20 January 2012
Dukungan SMS buat pemilu, saat ini saya rasa anda perlu dukungan SMS untuk memperoleh kemenangan dalam pemilu tahun ini, bagaimana caranya anda mengumpulkan SMS tersebut sangat mudah asal saja anda mau mengeluarkan uang sedikit untuk mengiklankan SMS anda, tentu saja nomor yang harus di tuju oleh anggota yang mau mengirim ketempat anda, tentu saja anda mau memberi janji bagi nomor pengirim yang terpilih akan dipanggil ke Jakarta untuk berkenalan dengan tokoh partal anda dan semua biaya ditanggung partai anda, karena sekarang ini janji yang muluk masih bisa diharapkan oleh rakyat dan kapan lagi rakyat dari pelosok daerah bisa berkunjung ke pusat kalau pada saat pemilu ini, tentu saja dengan gratis, di undinya pasti pada saat partai anda merayakan kemenangan dan jangan lupa untuk memberikan perjalanan umroh untuk dua orang dengan pasilitas vip, coba pikir dengan hadiah dua juta saja masih banyak orang kirim SMS, padahal dikenakan ongkos kirim dua ribu rupiah, apalagi partai anda menerima SMS cuma dengan ongkos normal, yah hitung hitung survey calon pemilih partai anda, kalau perlu mulailah dari sekarang, anggaplah star dengar cara halus,................. Semoga partai anda pemenangnya Amin.
19 January 2012
Instead of a hunger strike better tahajud prayers my friend said, he told me after seeing the people who are demos on tv and he said no tailoring mouth then do not eat many days to pass out, he said also that doing so the students which does not explore the science of religion and that all they are doing it purely because of the encouragement lust want to achieve something in a way not true, if people like them this power may be even worse because they are able to perform a variety of ways to achieve all you want, but all of it will not succeed because it is not blessed by GOD Almighty, all they did was to urge desire to achieve something they expect, if they do so while praying without stopping another possible outcome, especially when the evening prayer tahajud. Said the wise if you do not succeed ask for human help, ask for God's help. Automatic Addressing on facebook like a very disturbing social dijejaring this one, either where they come from then there is how to express love to the status The new revamped by a friend with an automatic, though we do not see what was written by a friend and very disturbing, to me handle it only by way of confirmation of your friends do not open it, because if not opened, the machine can not automatically add like and do not be blocked so he was curious because it can not penetrate our status automatically, so even if we change our Facebook status over time the application he can not reach it. good luck .... - - - - - -
Woman Beaten By Ghosts, this sounds really weird, never happened in our place a few days ago, this story, on the night we had a visitor neighbor man, it happened at about 9 that night, some time then the guest would have the need to urinate, knowingly rented house does not have a small room in the house, so if you want them shitting river that is located approximately 50 meters away, because the dark, may fear the river alone, then he urinated in front of the house and a direct hit by a woman who was passing spirits, then fainted, after consciously give her mouth with a woman's voice saying that he was passing urine, whereas a female ghost is a new bath from the river, so that the area we were not able to urinate semberangan, if forced to ask for permission.
Automatic Addressing on facebook like / Mengatasi like otomatis di facebook
Automatic Addressing on facebook like a very disturbing social dijejaring this one, either where they come from then there is how to express love to the new status was changed by a friend with an automatic, though we do not see what was written by the friend and very disturbing, to me handle it only by way of confirmation of your friends do not open it, because if not opened, the machine can not be added automatically and do not like being blocked so that he was curious because it can not penetrate our status automatically, so even if we change the status facebook us many times he can not reach the application. good luck .... - - - - - -
Woman Beaten By Ghosts, this sounds really weird, never happened in our place a few days ago, this story, on the night we had a visitor neighbor man, it happened at about 9 that night, some time then the guest would have the need to urinate, knowingly rented house does not have a small room in the house, so if you want them shitting river that is located approximately 50 meters away, because the dark, may fear the river alone, then he urinated in front of the house and a direct hit by a woman who was passing spirits, then fainted, after consciously give her mouth with a woman's voice saying that he was passing urine, whereas a female ghost is a new bath from the river, so that the area we were not able to urinate semberangan, if forced to ask for permission.
18 January 2012
Woman Beaten By Ghosts / dipukul hantu perempuan
03 January 2012
Towels for the election campaign, when T-shirts / handuk untuk kampanye pemilu
Towels for the election campaign, when T-shirts, calendars, food, it was used, what happens now if you distribute a large towel for the shower may be more memorable, because the towel was the last election campaign tool can be used before going place selection, T-shirts, hats and other attributes that may have entered into a trash can for disposal after the election, while the towel even though the election has passed can still be used to rip, tear that can still make the motor wiped when washed, so do not spend money futile though you lost the election, but our prayer that you may distribute the towel when the election was given the victory over fifty percent. examples of writing in the towel: "REMEMBER NASDEM PARTY, THIS MAY HELPFUL FOR YOU ALL ... AMEN. ------ Please prayer blessing. Handuk buat kampanye pemilu, kalau baju kaos, kalender, sembako, itu sudah biasa, bagaimana sekarang kalau anda membagikan handuk besar untuk mandi mungkin lebih berkesan, karena handuk adalah alat kampanye pemilu yang terakhir bisa dipakai sebelum pergi ketempat pemilihan, baju kaos, topi dan atribut yang lain mungkin sudah masuk kedalam keranjang sampah untuk dibuang setelah pemilu usai, sedangkan handuk meski pemilu telah berlalu masih bisa dipakai sampai robek, kalau sobek masih bisa buat ngelap motor pada saat dicuci, jadi mengeluarkan uang tidak sia sia meski anda kalah dalam pemilu, tapi doa kami semoga anda yang membagikan handuk saat pemilu nanti diberi kemenangan diatas lima puluh persen. contoh tulisan di handuk: "INGAT PARTAI NASDEM, SEMOGA INI BERMANFAAT BUAT ANDA SEMUA... AMIN. ------ Tolong doa restunya.
31 December 2011
Leaving the hospital, still ill or already dead / pulang masih sakit atau pulang mati
Leaving the hospital, still ill or already dead, is often experienced by people from middle-class and the most home still in pain, because the cost of treatment is very expensive, whereas drugs that were given there, if purchased diluaran less than half the price, if that can not afford too long in the hospital, let alone cured, even worse because the thought of the cost of hospital, sometimes for the free card, accepted for the new moon november 2011, with news that confusing, some say that the cards for 2012 have not out, can still use the card is printed in 2011, says there is also a 2011 card can not be used for the year 2012, whereas for the year 2011, to a place we've received in november of 2011, means new used 2 months back of the card is dead, yet could be used is dead again, I hope the wind is right khabar free medication card can be used for 2012, recently received two months in 2011 .... hopefully ... pity the poor people !!!
Meninggalkan rumah sakit, masih sakit atau sudah mati, ini sering dialami oleh orang yang dari kelas menengah kebawah dan yang paling banyak pulang masih dalam keadaan sakit, karena biaya pengobatan sangat mahal, padahal obat yang diberi disana, kalau dibeli diluaran tidak sampai setengah harga, kalau yang tidak mampu terlalu lama dirumah sakit, jangankan sembuh, malah tambah parah karena memikirkan ongkos dirumah sakit, untuk yang gratisan kadang kartunya, baru bulan november diterima untuk tahun 2011, dengan berita yang simpang siur, ada yang bilang kalau kartu untuk tahun 2012 belum keluar, masih bisa dipakai kartu yang dicetak tahun 2011, ada juga yang bilang kartu 2011 tidak bisa dipakai untuk tahun 2012, padahal untuk tahun 2011 , ditempat kami baru diterima bulan november tahun 2011, artinya baru digunakan 2 bulan sudah mati lagi kartu tersebut, belum sempat dipergunakan sudah mati lagi, mudahan khabar angin yang benar kartu berobat gratis bisa digunakan untuk tahun 2012, baru diterima dua bulan saja pada tahun 2011.... semoga saja... kesian rakyat miskin!!!
17 December 2011
nadiaztonama want to share with You!
Hello nadiaztonama has shared a file with you! To view / download the file, simply click on the link below | |||||
Regards, Ziddu Team www.ziddu.com |
16 December 2011
How to ziddu.com html upload script / upload naskah html ke ziddu.com
How to ziddu.com html upload script, of course, the text can not be uploaded directly, while we want to hide the text in ziddu so if there is a download, we paid perklik 1 / 1000 dollars, although a bit but the script that we put there plus continues, eventually a lot as well and if we liked the script so much is download the script, of course you get the dollar purse purse anyway, how to do it was forced to enlist the help of WINRAR application services , and make us so exe html script to be uploaded on ziddu.com, as an example and download a free zip
15 December 2011
nadiaztonama want to share with You!
Hello nadiaztonama has shared a file with you! To view / download the file, simply click on the link below | |||||
Regards, Ziddu Team www.ziddu.com |
13 December 2011
Secret tongko gambling / Rahasia judi tongko
Secret tongko gambling, any gambling game there must be a secret, because there is fraud, gambling is no exception tongko have a secret that lies at the base fabric where gambling equipment is placed and predictable picture, if not given the base and shifted in time to lift the lid off the sound, so no sound then placed the cloth as a base, so that the player who guessed unsuspecting dealer then told his friends enter the game device into place, while airport duty to open and pay the player who got his guess, is the only player who got to guess a small pair, but when the messengers, dealers who place a bet, I'll be a big hit, though not actually see the airport and holding a box game, he can still select the image that should win, because he knows the secrets contained in these tongko gambling game. warning: do not gamble ... haram.
Rahasia judi tongko, setiap permainan judi pasti ada rahasianya, karena disanalah terletak kecurangannya, tidak terkecuali judi tongko mempunyai rahasia yang terletak pada kain alas dimana peralatan judi akan ditaruh dan ditebak gambarnya, kalau tidak dikasih alas dan digeser pada waktu mengangkat untuk membuka tutupnya maka terdengar bunyi, supaya tidak terdengar bunyi maka ditaruh kain sebagai alas, supaya pemain yang menerka tidak curiga maka bandar menyuruh temannya memasukkan alat permainan tersebut kedalam tempatnya, sedangkan bandar bertugas untuk membuka dan membayar pemain yang kena tebakannya, sedang yang kena menebak cuma pemain yang pasang kecil, tapi kalau orang suruhan bandar yang pasang taruhan, biar besar bisa kena, sebenarnya bandar meski tidak melihat dan memegang kotak permainan tersebut, dia masih bisa memilih gambar yang harus menang, karena dia tahu rahasia yang terdapat dalam permainan judi tongko tersebut. peringatan: jangan main judi... haram.