08 December 2011
07 December 2011
Free call / telephone operators all of the day or night / GRATIS NELPON/TELPON KESEMUA OPERATOR SIANG/MALAM
Free call / telephone operators all of the day or night twenty-four hours on condition that you must complete a certain number of pulses, which is one thousand dollars in one minute nelpon a day, if you are filling pulse one hundred thousand dollars means you get all these free nelpon operator for a hundred minutes a day, if you want longer you have to fill more pulses, but when the filling pulse as much as ten thousand dollars and you call ten minutes a day, excess nelponnya, your pulse is cut thousand dollars permenitnya, adilkan?, if you want to free you just have to wait again tomorrow nelpon or your pulse increase the number of purchases in one month, for the purchase of your pulse in a single month was summed despite truncated pulses has been used up due to excess call, if your pulse is not used at all or left, will be added to the number of pulses purchase next month, but the number of number of minutes to nelpon not added, that means you have to go back to get credit to buy all these free nelpon operator, if you move the pulses into other people can not increase the amount of free nelpon all these operators, if your active expiration can only receive calls even if the pulse is still a lot, one-month grace period after that in disabling all your pulses burning, you lose your sim you can ask for the number in the terms set by the operator but you are still burning pulse. ABA ABA service manager
Gratis menelpon/telpon kesemua operator siang atau malam dua puluh empat jam dengan syarat anda harus mengisi pulsa dalam jumlah tertentu, yaitu seribu rupiah dalam satu menit nelpon sehari, kalau anda mengisi pulsa seratus ribu rupiah berarti anda mendapat gratis nelpon kesemua operator selama seratus menit sehari, apabila anda mau lama lagi anda harus mengisi pulsa lebih banyak lagi, tapi bila mengisi pulsa sebanyak sepuluh ribu rupiah dan anda menelpon lebih sepuluh menit sehari, kelebihan nelponnya, pulsa anda dipotong seribu rupiah permenitnya, adilkan?, kalau mau gratis anda harus menunggu besok lagi baru nelpon atau anda menambah jumlah pembelian pulsanya dalam satu bulan, sebab pembelian pulsa anda dalam satu bulan masih dijumlahkan meski pulsa anda sudah habis terpotong karena kelebihan nelpon, apabila pulsa anda tidak terpakai sama sekali atau tersisa, akan ditambahkan dengan jumlah pulsa pembelian bulan berikutnya, tapi jumlah banyaknya menit untuk nelpon tidak ditambahkan, artinya anda harus beli pulsa kembali untuk mendapat nelpon gratis kesemua operator, kalau anda memindahkan pulsa ke orang lain tidak bisa menambah jumlah nelpon gratis kesemua operator, kalau habis masa aktif anda cuma bisa terima telpon meski pulsa masih banyak, masa tenggang satu bulan setelah itu di nonaktifkan semua pulsa anda hangus, sim anda hilang anda bisa minta nomor tersebut dengan syarat yang diatur oleh operator tapi pulsa anda tetap hangus. manager operator ABA ABA
05 December 2011
Nilai website tidak akurat, aku bukan meng-ada ada lo, ini pernah kami bukti dengan melihat nilai bermacam macam website, ternyata nilai yang tercantum disitu tidak sesuai dengan banyak pengunjung website website tersebut, bahkah banyak nilai website yang tidak berubah dalam beberapa tahun, dengan begitu tentu saja nilai keakuratannya semakin jauh, dan banyak lagi yang nilainya hampir sama , mungkin juga adminnya sedang tidak berada ditempat dalam waktu lama, atau aplikasi yang mereka punya tidak berpungsi lagi, yang paling aneh website adalah website yang tidak ada alias bodong masih bisa dinilai harganya, sampai berpikir apakah alat ini terlalu canggih atau error total, lantaran begini kejadiannya, sekarang kami tidak pernah lagi melihat nilai website kami.
Kepuhunan cuma tahyul kata suku pendatang yang merantau kedaerah kami, maklum dia baru datang dan tidak mengerti tentang sesuatu yang didaerah sangat dipercaya membawa musibah, meski semua musih datangnya dari Tuhan penguasa alam semesta ini, mengenai kepuhunan itu sendiri sangat banyak orang mempercainya, sebab banyak orang berkata kalau banyak yang mengatakan betul maka itu benar adanya, sekarang suku pendatang banyak yang percaya kalau kepuhunan itu benar adanya, bahkan tidak sedikit suku pendatang yang mengatakan kepuhunan kalau dia menawarkan makanan dan ditolak, sebetulnya makanan yang ditawarkan tidak harus di makan, cukup dengan pegang saja makanan tersebut sudah terbebas dari kepuhunan tersebut, pernah terjadi pada penjual ikan dari jawa, dia sedang menawarkan ikan dan ketemu ibu ibu sedang makan nasi ketan, karena kenal dengan penjual ikan tersebut, ibu ibu menawarkan maka makanan, penjual ikan menolak, ibu ibu bilang nanti kepuhunan, dia masih menolak, bahkan meninggalkan orang sedang makan, belum seratus meter berlalu penjual ikan menabrak tumah, untung tidak parah, sekarang meski tidak percaya dengan tahyul tapi tidak berani lagi melewati kata kepuhunan.ILMU RAHASIA POLIGAMI
ILMU RAHASIA POLIGAMI ini memang sulit dipelajari, meski orang pintar, pejabat, pengusaha, bahkan ustadz sekalipun, banyaaak ustadz gagal mempelajari, meski mereka tergolong ustadz kondang, dengan gagalnya berpoligami tersebut maka gagal pula membina rumah tangga mereka, yang ujung ujungnya isteri tua minta cerai, sebenar poligami lebih sulit daripada berselinguh, sebab dalam perkawinan berselingkuh lebih hina dari poligami, lantaran berpoligami lebih mulia dan terhormat maka susah pula melakukannya, tapi bukan pula tidak mungkin, karena masih banyak wanita yang taat suami dan bersedia melakukan poligami dengan suka rela, bahkan banyak orang yang berpoligami sampai empat orang isteri, baru baru ini didaerah kami ada orang berpoligami dan nambah isteri mudanya disaksikan isteri isteri yang terdahulu pada saat bersanding, orang seperti ini selain kaya juga tidak pelit dan punya ilmu yang bisa menundukkan hati wanita, kalau tidak punya ilmu rahasia poligami pasti isteri isterinya minta cerai<p><a href://nadiaztonama.wordpress.com">selanjutnya...
Kepuhunan just superstition / KEPUHUNAN CUMA TAHYUL
Kepuhunan just superstition says tribal settlers who migrated our stricken area, advised he had just arrived and do not understand something in the area is believed to bring misfortune, although all musih comes from God the ruler of this universe, the kepuhunan itself mempercainya very many people, because many people say that many say well it is true, now tribal settlers kepuhunan many believe that is true, not even a little tribe of immigrants who said kepuhunan if he refused offers of food and, in fact food offered should not eat, just enough to hold the food is free from such kepuhunan, ever happened to the fish sellers of Java, he was offering fish and I saw my mother's mother was eating sticky rice, because sellers are familiar with the fish, the mother's mother offer the food, the fish seller refuses, mother's mother said later kepuhunan, he still refused, even leaving the people were eating, not a hundred yards past the fishmonger tumah hit, fortunately not severe, though not now believe in superstition but did not dare to pass the word kepuhunan .
SECRET SCIENCE POLYGAMY POLYGAMY SECRET SCIENCE is indeed difficult to learn, even smart people, officials, businessmen, even though cleric, cleric banyaaak failed to learn, although they are quite famous cleric, with the failure of polygamy is then also failed to build a house their households, the tip ends old wife wanted a divorce, polygamy actually more difficult than berselinguh, because marital affair is more contemptible than polygamy, because polygamy is more noble and honorable it is hard to do this anyway, but
nor impossible, because there are many women who are willing to obey her husband and did so willingly, even many people who practice polygamy to four wives, recently our area there are polygamous and adds his young wife wife wife witnessed earlier during biting, people like this but also not stingy rich and have a science that can subdue the hearts of women, if you do not have any secret knowledge polygamous wife would divorce his wife
nor impossible, because there are many women who are willing to obey her husband and did so willingly, even many people who practice polygamy to four wives, recently our area there are polygamous and adds his young wife wife wife witnessed earlier during biting, people like this but also not stingy rich and have a science that can subdue the hearts of women, if you do not have any secret knowledge polygamous wife would divorce his wife
POLYGAMY SECRET SCIENCE is indeed difficult to learn, even smart people, officials, businessmen, even though cleric, cleric banyaaak failed to learn, although they are quite famous cleric, with the failure of polygamy is then fail anyway fostering their household, the tip ends old wife wanted a divorce, polygamy actually more difficult than berselinguh, because marital affair is more contemptible than polygamy, because polygamy is more noble and honorable it is hard to do this anyway, but
nor impossible, because there are many women who are willing to obey her husband and did so willingly, even many people who practice polygamy to four wives, recently our area there are polygamous and adds his young wife wife wife witnessed earlier during biting, people like this but also not stingy rich and have a science that can subdue the hearts of women, if you do not have any secret knowledge polygamous wife would divorce his wife
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